Do all the good you all the means you can...

Here is what Schuyler Rhodes had to say about his support for Hillary Clinton as part of my project "I'm with Her because....." He is a United Methodist pastor and former pastor of my church. Hillary Clinton is also a United Methodist.

I am not supporting Hillary Clinton because I am opposed to Donald Trump, though that opposition is real. I am supporting Hillary Clinton for president because at no time in recent history have we had someone so qualified to serve in this way. Secretary Clinton was an excellent Secretary of State, a highly effective US senator, and has spent her life in service to her community.

I also support her because I know her compassionate and powerful support for disadvantaged and hurting people.

It's true. I am opposed to Donald Trump in so many ways. But I can think of no one else other than Hillary Clinton who is tried, tested and qualified as she is.....I'm with her.